Brian Millican
Name: Brian Millican Address: 1905 Mulligan Dr.
How long have you lived in Forest Creek? 13 yrs
Please give a description of your family background?
Single. Parents are retired and also live in Forest Creek. I work a lot but have adequate time to read and
answer emails and fulfill the board job duties.
Please give a description of your professional background?
30+ years of retail management experience, including store manager. Familiar with financial statements, excelled at
hiring/training/metrics/customer service.
What motivates you to want to serve on the Board of Directors for the Forest Creek HOA?
I have a reasonable familiarity with the issues facing the community and the HOA. I’m level-headed and can handle interaction and
communication respectfully with homeowners. I would use my skills to help the HOA team to provide a great and ever-improving
community experience for the homeowners.
Is there any other pertinent information that you would like to share?
I love our neighborhood and want to keep it a great place to live, and a desirable destination for new homeowners.