Hector Quintanar
Name: Hector Quintanar Address: 3902 Palmer Dr.
How long have you lived in Forest Creek?
Please give a description of your family background?
My wife and I have been married 40 years. We have 4 children, three who are grown on their own, and one still at
High School and four grandchildren.
Please give a description of your professional background?
Business Entrepreneur with International Supply Chain and International Project Management Skills with Business in USA and Abroad.
Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering and a Manufacturing extra curricula at Harvard University
Served as member of my first home HOA Board in Mexico and as a HOA Board in USA for our 1200 homes community as a Treasurer for the last 6 Years.
Treasurer & Executive Board Member for the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber
Extensively worked in multi-country projects and multi-cultural difference
Start Up 4 companies in the last 20 years ( all of them active and growing)
Please give a description of your professional skills?
Well organized project management skills to produce results on time and within budget
Strong financial background to closely monitor Treasury funds and bank accounts
With 29 years in the Austin Hispanic Area and planning to stay here much longer is our endeavor for the community to share the past experience gained through out the years for other to benefit
A WIN-WIN mentality position across agreements & disagreements between any involved parties has proven to be a path to succussed across any situation.
What motivates you to want to serve on the Board of Directors for the Forest Creek HOA?
As mentioned 29 years live in Austin Metro Area have been able to see the difference from the
time I got invited by a large corporation to move and helped them growth , now with the
International presence in our community is the best for all of us to understand different angles or
points of view to maintain or growth our residences values across the board…
Is there any other pertinent information that you would like to share?
Manage to establish Local and International Companies in USA and abroad
Managed multiple cross-cultural teams
Financial background and proven treasury management results from $2.0 MUSD to $200.0 M USD
Strive for at least 80% consensus in decisions that involved large communities.
Ability to manage disagreement to reach the best outcome of a given situation.