Annual Dues (*important update)

Post date: Sep 24, 2019 3:34:23 AM

You should be getting your annual dues statement in the mail this week.

We wanted to call your attention to an incorrect / confusing statement on the form.


To the left of your pay stub is an explanation of the $40 discount for paying the full amount by October 1st. The values in the text are incorrect because they are based on last years dues amount of $550. This years annual dues amount is $600. So if you pay quarterly, your combined payments will total $640. But if you pay the $600 by Oct 1st, the $40 discount is applied.

You can find the correct version of this statement on the budget letter that was sent out last week.

To correct this, new statements are going to be sent out with the correct values in the explanation of the credit. Additionally, we are going to extend the grace period through the end of October to account for the issue.